Who are we ?

Huot is a 100 years old French family-owned company which is specialised and leading in the field of potable water distribution.

In our quality as n° 1 in France in service connections, we are cooperating with all other specialists of the potable water market :

  ​​​Building companies and developers
  ​​Public works companies
  ​​​Concession holders and water boards
 ​Municipalities and urban water authorities
  ​​Construction managers et hydrant workers
 ​Engineering offices and network technicians
     (potable and waste water)
 ​​​Technical training facilities

100% made in France

Huot designs, manufactures and markets all its products at its production site in Saint-Mihiel in the Meuse department in France since 1906.
State-of-the-art machines, combined with excellent human skills, produce high-quality parts 100% made in France.

Originally, the company derived from a local foundry activity developed by monks in the Middle Ages.
From the 19th century on, the activity has shifted towards the production of plumbing parts.

Huot has since specialized in designing, producing and counselling of connection devices and service connections for potable water networks.

Huot summarized in a few figures :


- Pay gap indicator: 34/40
- Individual wage increase gap indicator : 35/35
- % of female staff having had a wage increase after returning from maternity leave : no returns from maternity
- Indicator of the number of employees of the under-represented gender among the 10 highest paid staff : 5/10
- Global outcome : 87

Huot is part of the SMSAS group

HUOT is a subsidiary of the SMSAS group, a 100% French family business which has celebrated its 50 years in 2022.
SMSAS group is working in 4 major business fields : industry, automotive, real estate and services.

More information : www.smsas.fr